Discover the ultimate in hair luxury with our 100% raw and unprocessed Cambodian Wavy extensions. Sourced directly from Cambodia, our extensions are renowned for their natural body, bounce, and luster, providing you with fullness from root to tip in every bundle.
Whether you prefer sleek, straight styles or voluminous curls, our Cambodian Wavy extensions offer unmatched versatility. Plus, they can be colored and treated to suit your unique preferences, ensuring endless styling possibilities.
With proper care, our extensions are designed to last for 2+ years, making them a long-term investment in your beauty routine. For lengths up to 18 inches, we recommend 2 bundles, while lengths 20 inches and longer may require 3 bundles for optimal fullness and coverage.
Experience the difference of Cambodian Wavy extensions and elevate your look today. Choose from convenient salon pickup, with orders ready in just 3-5 business days, or opt for shipping, which typically takes 5-7 business days. Treat yourself to the best in hair extensions and transform your style with ease.
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